As the Rule prescribes, the whole Society gathers once each year as a general chapter to pray, hear the Word, teach one another, and to further our common work. This commitment is basic to membership. A travel expense equalization plan, built into the annual dues structure, spreads out our travel costs to help members who must travel far distances. The Society’s next General Retreat will be September 24-26, 2019 at the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary, Mundelein, Illinois. Registration and lodging costs for members are included in the annual dues. The registration fee for non-members at the last retreat was $200. Visitors and inquirers from all church traditions are welcome to all STS retreats, chapter or general. Visitors may include pastors, seminarians, and lay people who wish to pray and learn in the way the Rule indicates. Please feel free to contact me or any of my colleagues who guide the work of the Society.
2024 General Chapter Forms
25th Anniversary General Chapter Images
General Chapter History
agendae, addresses, sermons, photos
Addresses, Sermons
Addresses, Sermons
Addresses, Sermons
Letter from the Senior: Rev. Rev. Patrick (Paddy) Rooney – STS, senior
Addresses, Sermons
Presentation: “Ecclesia Semper Reformanda A Baptismal Principle Par Excellence” by Rev. Dr. Max Johnson
Presentation: “Ecclesia Semper Reformanda and The Eucharist” by Rev. Dr. Max Johnson
Address: Rev. Patrick (Paddy) Rooney – STS, senior
Vespers Sermon – Rev. Jay Denne – STS
Service of the Word: Sermon – Rev. Dr. Ryan Mills – STS
Addresses, Sermons
Addresses, Sermons
Holy Communion: Sermon – Rev. Ryan D. G. Stout – STS
Address for Solemn Vespers – 500th Anniversary of Reformation – Rev Patrick Rooney – senior, STS
Address to 2017 General Chapter – Rev Patrick Rooney – senior, STS
Sermon for Mass – 2017 General Chapter – Rev. Dr Amy Schifrin, STS
Sext Sermon for the 2017 General Chapter – Rev Pari Bailey, STS
Addresses, Sermons
17th General Retreat
Sept. 23-25, 2014
Addresses, Sermons
Documents pending
Information pending
Information pending
14th General Retreat
Sept. 27-29, 2011
Addresses, Sermons
Senior’s Address: Pr. Frank C. Senn, STS
Dr. Charles Cortright: Teaching Authority among the Lutherans: A Historical Review and Inquiry
13th General Retreat
Oct. 19-21, 2010
Addresses, Sermons
Senior’s Address: Pr. Frank C. Senn, STS
Pr. Richard Johnson: Lutheran Church Structures
Sermon: Pr. Carl Roemer, STS
Reading of The Rule, Chapter VIII
Dr. Carl Braaten: “God Is Our Father / The Church Is Our Mother“
Sermon: Pr. Brett Jenkins, STS
Sermon: Pr. Paula Murray, STS
Senior’s Address: Pr. Frank C. Senn, STS: “Implementing Chapter VIII of The Rule”
12th General Retreat
Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2009
Addresses, Sermons
Video snip of “Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones”
Senior’s Opening Sermon: Pr. Frank C. Senn, STS
Pr. Rodney L. Eberhardt, STS: The Pastor as In Persona Christi
Sermon: Pr. Timothy D. Hubert, STS
Sermon: Pr. Richard O. Johnson, STS
Sermon, Pr. Carl A. Voges, STS
11th General Retreat
October 14-16, 2008
Addresses, Sermons
Senior’s Opening Address: Pr. Frank C. Senn, STS
Sermon: Pr. W. Stevens Shipman, STS
Pr. Eugen Lehrke, STS: The Office of the Keys… and the Brief Order for Confession and Forgiveness
Response by Pr. Rodney L. Ronneberg, STS
Sermon: Pr. Thelma Megill-Cobbler, STS
Pr. Philip Pfatteicher: Confession and Communion in the Visitation of the Sick
Homily: Pr. Frank C. Senn, STS
Pr. Paul Lehninger: Breaking Down the Chancel Rails
Reception of “Pastoral Guidance Concerning the Language of Worship” and “Pastoral Guidance Concerning Same-Sex Unions“
Sermon, Pr. Brad Everett, STS
10th General Retreat
August 21-23, 2007
Addresses, Sermons
Service of the Word with Affirmation of Ordination Vows
Senior’s Opening Address: A Society of the Cross
Sermon: Pr. Patrick Rooney, STS
Sermon: Pr. Erma Wolf, STS
Conception—Gestation—Birth: the Urgeschichte of the Society of the Holy Trinity: Pr. Richard Niebanck, STS
Hymn Festival on the Marks of the Church available on CD
Organist: Andrew Martin Senn
Commentary: Pr. Frank C. Senn, STS
9th General Retreat
Sept 26-28, 2006
Addresses, Sermons
Address: STS Senior Frank Senn
Sermon: Pr. Karl Johnsen, STS
Doing Ministry between Law and Gospel: Pr. Larry Vogel, STS
Sermon: Pr. Ronald Bagnall, STS
Sermon: Pr. Pari Bailey, STS